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  • 1969
    A team of five delegated by the district of Yancheng to form the initial plant.
  • 1971
    “Yancheng District Boiler Plant of Jiangsu Province” came to birth.
  • 1973
    The plant was relocated to 39 North Xiaohai Rd, Yancheng District.
  • 1980
    We merged with “Yancheng Honqi Machine Tool Plant” resulting in one factory with two plant names.
  • 1983
    The factory was re-named as “Boiler Plant of Yancheng City” after the political status of Yancheng changed from district to city level.
  • 1984
    Our factory was first granted Class-D manufacturing license from the National Ministry of Machine-Building Industry and Ministry of Labor & HR.
  • 1986
    Boilers that weighed 1, 2, 4, 6, 10 ton consecutively received the title of “Quality products of Jiangsu Province”.
  • 1988
    We developed our first energy-saving & environmental friendly blow-air waste heat recovery boiler and obtained national patent.
  • 2000
    The first democratically elected factory leader - Xiangbin Liu.
  • 2001
    We entered the civilian market by manufacturing white coal furnaces.
  • 2002
    The ownership of our company changed from state-owned to a joint-stock enterprise.
  • 2003
    The company name was changed to “Yancheng Boiler Manufacturing Co., Ltd.” and we were issued the first batch of Class-A waste heat recovery boiler manufacturing license by the state.
  • 2004
    We established a new plant in Yandu New District.
  • 2005
    We obtained Class-I license for Boiler installation, modification and repair; 
    Our waste heat recovery boiler was awarded the tile “Iconic Brand of Jiangsu Province”; 
    Q series WHR boiler unit was awarded “High-tech Product of Jiangsu”;
    The company was accredited as “Jiangsu High-tech Enterprise” by the provincial ministry of technology;
    Blow-air WHR boiler and Sulfuric Acid WHR boiler series were accredited as “Appointed Products” by “National Chemical Engineering Construction Standard”.
  • 2007
    We officially entered the fast lane of growth and development by the relocation of our company to Yandu District.
  • 2008
    Sales revenue exceeded 100 million rmb.
  • 2010
    Sales revenue reached 200 million rmb.
  • 2012
    Sales revenue exceeded 300 million rmb. 
  • 2013
    The company demonstrated its overall EPC integrity by taking on turnkey projects from design to commissioning. 
  • 2015
    The company was listed in the stock market;
    Our board of directors agreed to extend our business to the energy supply sector for the future. 
  • 2016 & Future
    Journey in WHR
    JSDJ embarked upon the journey in waste heat recovery segment in 1984. After 16 years of technological development in thermodynamic engineering, we excelled in the design and production of waste heat boilers. In 2000, WHRB became our sole interest. Since then, our design ingenuity and production capability procured us the implicit trust of our clients and an unblemished reputation in the field of WHR.



Address:No. 9 Huarui South Rd, Yancheng, China, 224005
Phone:+86 13375256375
Manager: Don Davison   

Copyright  JSDJ Heavy Industry Co.,Ltd All rights reserved.